Friday, December 19, 2008

Best Scenario For Macworld

This is just something I made up while chatting with Dave the Mobile Warrior on Skype last night about Apple's unexpected exit (unexpected from the standpoint of folks who were not graced to insider information). 

But when Apple VP Phil Schiller takes the stage as the keynote speaker traditionally reserved for Steve Jobs, just what kind of position is he being put it?  So, we dreamt up a cool scenario for the last Macworld Apple will participate in.

Schiller goes on stage and goes through his routine.  Great Christmas.  Great quarter they just had.  Billions made.  Then he tells folks the iMac, Mac Mini, and Mac Pros will all be updated.  Though it all, Phil gets forced ethusiastic applauses because of the impossible situation he's put under.  He knows it.

But then he says, "we've got a special guest I like to bring out to talk about the next revolutionary product from Apple.  You all know him.  Steve Jobs!".

Crowd goes wild.  A couple of live blogs go offline because their bloggers fainted.  Steve comes on and thank the Apple family for years of great memory and products.  Then says, "one more thing..." and blows away the crowd with Apple's answer to the netbook.  Apple's own TV.  The Mac Hybrid I've been advocating.  Something else awesome because Steve says it is.

That would be the perfect end to the Macworld as we know it. 

There are a number of theories about why Jobs won't be at Macworld in 2009 and Apple leaving Macworld permanently. 
  • Some believe this is related to Jobs' health.
  • Some believe there is a changing of the guards at Cupertino. 
  • Some believe this is Jobs being pissed off at something.
  • Some believe Apple at its words that trade shows like Macworld are a thing of the past and Apple stores, the Internet, and smaller events are just as good at creating hype and better to reach out to customers and converting new folks to Mac and the iPlatform.
  • Some believe its about expectation.  Macworld is the only event where there's expectation that an announcement is coming year after year.  Again, it's about expectation.
  • Some believe this was made for financial reasons.  Stop the bad stock movements. 
What do I believe?  I'm inclined to believe it's not health related.  As for mobile warriors, we going to be fine regardless of whether there is a Macworld or not.  It's the passing of time.  While I for one will miss one, I wouldn't mind having those smaller special events.  In fact, I believe this will likely be the scenario for future announcements.

I'm going to make one prediction here.  Future product introductions will be made live through Apple Stores.  It can be at a venue in SF, in an auditorium on Apple campus, or just about any Apple store if they chose.  But wherever the product launch is being held, it'll go live to all Apple store worldwide.  You'll get live blogs as usual for these events but for those who can make it to the stores for these live broadcasts, they'll feel closer to the action.  For Apple, it'll bring in tons of foot traffic. 

That is how future Apple announcements will be made.

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