Sunday, May 30, 2010

Netflix: Getting App Right For iPhone Very Important

I think thousands of iPhone users who also subscribe to Netlifx are eagerly waiting for Netflix to release an app for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

As the article from 9-To-5-Mac showed, it will not be so easy. The iPad version was ported to work on the iPhone. Furthermore, you will need a jail-broken iPhone to use it. Given the result, you probably wouldn't want to just yet. At the very least, not with this version.

The iPhoned Netflix app took 25% of the battery life after 15 minutes of viewing, took a lot time to process, and it crashed quite often.

It can inferred perhaps that is why there is no ABC video app for the iPhone either. It will take some work to make it happen. So for conspiracy theorists, sorry to say that Apple is not keeping such apps from us.

I would rather have Netflix, Disney, and others take their time to optimize their apps for the non-iPad devices. And I don't think we will have to wait long with the timing of the next updated iPhone release and iPhone 4 availability.

I can't say with any certainty but I think given the possibility of the new A4 chip (currently used in the iPad), with its processing power and graphics core as well as the unmatched efficiency, powering the next crop of iDevices, apps like Netflix should wok just fine.

We shall have to see. I am curious how the app will work on the 3G and 3GS models. Slingplayer works well enough even on older 2G iPhones, so I think it might be a matter of optimizing the next generation of video-streaming apps for this purpose.

We are less than two weeks from Steve Jobs' keynote at WWDC. We'll know soon enough.

9 To 5 Mac

-- Post From My iPad

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Skype Now Makes Calls Over 3G for iPad And iPhone

Skype just released an update allowing the iDevices running the iPhone OS to make calls overe 3G.

I just tried it with the iPad over WiFi and 3G. I also tried with the iPhone over WiFi.

For the time, I think I am happy with this ability. The quality was par but if you move around with the iPad, the quality degrades for so reason.

I hope Skype will make some adjustments for the 3G calls. I know a lot of people who are counting on Apple and Skype to pry them from the clutches of the wireless providers.

-- Post From My iPad

Apple Can Allow Multiple App Stores

Do I want just about any app on the iPhone or my iPad? Well, sure. Maybe not any app but I would not mind the freedom should the desire arises. No, I'm not talking about porn. But...for those who do, I think I have a solution for Apple.

Two separate and distinct app stores. And I am not speaking of sanctioning Cydia or any of the jail-broken options. Even I would not go there unless I absolutely have to. And Cydia is sitting on my homepage even now.

So, what is this guy talking about, you ask? Simple. One app store will exist just as it is now. On top of that, there will be a second app store with everything else. For the sake of this post, let's called the current store as we know it as iTunes App Store or iAS. The second store will be called freedom App Store or fAS.

iAS will simply operate in ways as we have come to know it. Approval processes and all. Essentially, trusted but restricted.

Then there is fAS. Here, any app that isn't going to get Apple's approval or has been rejected can go here. Apple will continue to take 30% of all revenue in this store. After all, Apple is still providing a place for these apps to be uploaded by developers and downloaded by adventurous users. Apple can even ask for greater than 30% to dissuade some apps from even the fAS. Let's say 50%.

Why a higher percentage? Security. Spam. All that bad things that's bound to sneak into the fAd.

This would go a long way in appeasing critics and users.

And the responsibility of what gets installed on the iDevices will fall on the user as it is now. Apple will stipulate it as such. And since parents are users, it falls to them to police what their kids see or install.

Of course, this new app store will not be installed as a default app. It will be the user, after agreeing to all the risks and taking full responsibility for his or her action, to install the fAS

This still might not be enough for some critics but you can satisfy bloggers, tech pundits, and journalists who today, are increasingly relying on clicks to hear their bread. However, it will dispel the argument that Apple isn't open.

This will be a great boom for developers. They will receive specially badgets from Apple that is recognizable by users as special Apple approved App Store partners. Think of it as a sort of a better business bureau thing.

Of course, at the end of the day, such a scheme or one similar might be nice to have but totally unnecessary. The criticisms are quite loud. They need to be. But users, by the millions, doing care that they can't have Flash or Google Voice in their iPhones or iPads so much.

-- Post From My iPad

Friday, May 28, 2010

Firefox Home: Firefox But Only Like Safari

We're not likely going to see Firefox on the iDevices though it does seem more likely after the entry of Opera into the app store. However, I wouldn't quite count on it. I think it was done at a time when there is a lot of attention and negative press directed (in some ways, I think rightfully) at Apple's App Store policies.

Fear not. Mozilla will represent. Firefox Home. Mozilla is putting the final finishings on the app that allows the user to sync history and bookmarks across the various platforms supported by Firefox.

However, don't look for the familiar feel of Firefox on the Mac or the PC. As a matter of fact, it won't be the Gecko engine at all. Perhaps, Mozilla might be able to make the appearance look like Firefox but, in order not to run afoul of Apple's approval process, it will be based on Webkit, the underlying browser engine that powers Safari on the iDevices, OS X and Windows, as well as Chrome from Google.

Is this a smart move by Mozilla? I think Mozilla should have approached Apple about bringing Firefox in a manner that would be acceptable to Apple. Things change and perhaps one day, Apple will be more open at some point.

For now, we eager await Firefox Home. Essentially, it will be another browser app that offers Firefox users the ability to use their iDevices in sync with Firefox on OS X or the PC.

I don't anticipate Firefox Home to encounter any difficulties navigating through the approval minefield. Perhaps, the come has come for Google to see if they can get Chrome onto the iDevices. I would love to see the Chrome store in my iPad.

More at Macrumors.

-- Post From My iPad

Follow Me As I Try To Learn To Write An App

With anywhere from $6 to $9 billion in app revenue by 2014, depending on who you choose to believe, I think here's a small piece of action for me right?

I think so. Even it's a couple of bucks, there are a couple people will just buy any app just to test it out. Maybe I'll give it out for free and then collect revenues from the ads.

I am pretty sure I'll give the iPhone market a try first given how much Steve Jobs has hyped iAd if I plan on going about the free app route.

Plus, Apple just announced today a new program for indie authors to submit books to the iBooks store.

As a matter of fact, I just just mention this in a post at On Apple.

I will be tweeting and updating my progress. I hope you will also consider giving writing apps a try as well. Whether it'll be for the iPhone, Android, or another platform, there is certainly plenty of opportunity for a create soul to make some extra money.

-- Post From My iPad

Apple Launches Are Festivities and Story Time

Frenzy is not the word I'd to describe the mobs that have sprung up from all over the countries that are part of the first of many wave of iPad launches.  That would be an understatement and a wrong depiction.

I'd say it's more of a block party.  For international readers, think of it as festivities that spontaneously take place out of nowhere without planning.  Certainly, outside of plans by Apple to offer coffee and donuts (well, we were given donuts, not sure what they gave in Japan), no one asked that the crowd show up.

No one said we should call the media and have them do live broadcasts of launches. 

But it happens anyway.  Why is that?  I honestly can't say.  I think society has changed in such a way that we treat our gadgets as "man's best friend" (or "a woman's best friend").  They allow people to do things they could not previously.  SMS was a huge advancement in social exchange but the iPhone really revolutionized how we consume information.

Not only that, it allows the user to exploit the information consumed.  What do you think those apps are for?  Just games?  No  The iDevices now allow society to be more mobile, creative, and savy in ways 

And that's why people are excited about Apple products. It wasn't Blackberries or Palms or Windows Mobile phones that did it.  Certainly not Nokia.

Sure those products were around before the iPhone and now the iPad but Apple made it possible for the rest of us to do all those things.  And more than that, Apple made took the ease of use to a level unmatched even to this day.  

Essentially, while Apple products even as far back as the iPod made it cool to have, Apple also made it cool to use.  

Of course, as with any brand, there is always the fear of overextending it.  However, I am sure that Apple is well aware of that.  Branding for Steve Jobs is just as much a part of selling iPhones and Macs.  Like many have said time and time again, it's also about telling stories about Apple products.

So long as they remain compelling stories, I don't see why people won't come back and back again to Apple.

Every time Apple has a press event, unveils a new product, or hosts a grand opening for a new Apple store, fans and non-fans flock to the nearest live blog or location to be a part of it.  There is something special about it.  Magical as Steve Jobs aptly put it.

So, Apple made it cool to in this manner too.  Hanging out with people who love mobile tech, who like to exchange stories, and just have fun in general.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

iWeb Needs iAd Integration And Mobile Tools

I have wondered why Apple included iWeb as a part of the iLife too. I understand that it's a part of iLife and MobileMe integration but it's not all that useful as a tool beyond personal use.

In the beginning, I used it to put up videos and pictures of my family and friends and to share them. Then later, Apple offered the ability to use a number of features that one might think iWeb can be used for business purposes too.

iWeb allows Adsense integration, HTML input, ability to set up your own domain name, and to publish podcasts. These are not features to be used for someone who just wants to share news, videos, and pictures with friends.

So where can Apple take iWeb next? Well, I am hoping two features be added. See, these days, its about apps and mobile. What do I want Apple to include in the next iWeb update?

First, I love to see Apple give us iAd integration but still keep Adense as well. Apple went through all three trouble to innovate ads, it might as well compete with Google on the desktop and mobile ads for the Web.

Second, I like to see a one-click publish to turn a website into a mobile version for the iPhone. I think with all the emphasis on mobile, it is a must have feature for iLife. It would be a killer feature that no other software is capable of.

Lastly, and this feature I want doesn't have to be limited to iWeb. But for those of us who aren't programmers, a feature to turn a website into an app. And if possible, include it with Bentos.

Should Apple want to dominate the mobile domain, this app feature would go a long way in showing the market just how easy it is to create apps for the iPhone platform.

And while I am dreaming, maybe Apple can allow users the ability to publish a doc to epub format to be used with iBooks. Heck, make easier for people to publish their own ebookd.

Am I asking too much? I don't think so. I think everything I've brought up here are within Apple's power to grant. If I can think it up, I am sure smarter folks at Apple have as well. It is a matter of whether it is within Apple's interests to make it happen. If it makes sense for Apple, to quote a famous Starfleet captain, to "make it so".

-- Post From My iPad

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What Will You Use Vid Chat On The Next iPhone For?

Video-conferencing is coming to the iPlatform.  You know what else would be cool?  If you can toggle between the frontal camera and the back camera. It's a reporter's dream.  Cameramen, you're screwed!  

I am sure by now, you know that the next iPhone has a frontal camera for video conferencing.  So what does that mean for the future of visual communication?

I think most folks are still thinking about this.  We've seen in on TV in scifi but we hardly use it in real life.  Almost every I know has a webcam in their laptops, certainly on their Macbooks. And it's rare that we sit there and actually chat with anyone for a length of time. I've communicated with folks overseas.  Families mostly.  

But the iPhone offers a true mobile experience.  Can you imagine talking to a friend while you sit at a Starbucks or stroll through the mall?  Yeah, I think I'll be doing stuff like that in the beginning.

And if I'm a reporter and I see a news breaking event, I'm gonna whip out my iPhone and start reporting live on the spot.  And since this is Apple, we can pretty safely say that the video quality is going to be excellent, this can really sideline some cameramen in some instances.

What's more, suppose the iPhone allows you to toggle what the viewer(s) see on the other end.  Instead of the frontal camera, you allow the video to stream from the regular camera.  Then when you're done showing what you want, you can toggle back to your image.  Like I said, a reporter's dream.

How will you use the vid conferencing feature on your new iPhone?

Monday, May 24, 2010

People Who Quit iPhone (For Whatever Reasons) Are Making A Mistake

I will be getting an Android device soon. I already have a G1 and I am looking for an upgrade. I've yet to decide if a phone with Android 2.2 installed is my next phone or the next iPhone with iPhone 4.0 installed.

That's the point.

Now, before I go further, I just want to make somethings clear. Some Android devices, at this time and point, are excellent alternatives to the iPhone 3GS. Take the HTC Incredible for instance. I got the opportunity to play with the Nexus One over the weekend for an "extended period of time" and I think I can be happy with it. The Droid, well, not so much. So, I repeat: some Android devices are good alternatives to the iPhone and with the right one, you can't get go wrong in that direction.

However, folks are comparing Android 2.2 to iPhone 3.0 and making the switch. Hey, if they're happy with that comparison, more power to them. I know that many folks who have made this mistake end up coming back to the iPhone, sometimes, at great expense (canceling pre-existing contracts and paying for the cost of a new iPhone).

Flash. Please. In a video posted today by PocketNow, Android's browser does have Flash. Great, just as advertised. And just as advertised, Google said Android has the fastest mobile browser.

Well, that was not the case in the tests conducted by PocketNow. In fact, Nexus One is far slower than than the iPhone 3GS. I guess Steve Jobs was right all along that Flash is slow as well as a resource hog.

Now, anyone who quit the iPhone, after all these years, because of ATT aren't making much sense here either. You've spent 2-3 years on the ATT just to use the iPhone. Why give up now? You should never have been with ATT in the first place.

For anyone quitting the iPhone two years after the App Store is available because of Apple's app approval policies. Why? Again, it doesn't make sense at all. You knew Apple would create a walled garden. It's been going on and on for years and will continue to be the case.

Anyway, the main issue is folks who are quitting the iPhone now aren't doing it because they're comparing apple to apple (I don't apologize for the pun). Even if folks want to compare iPhone 3GS to the current crop of Android devices, Apple is still outselling Google's latest and best.

Me? I'm doing the smart thing and I'm gonna way for Steve Jobs to convince me that next iPhone along with the whole ecosystem is still the mobile platform to beat. And just like many other times before, Steve will convince me that going with the iPhone is the best choice for me and tens of millions of others.

Here's the main selling point about the iPhone that has made it so success and why other Apple products are so popular these days. It's because Apple's products just work.

Impact For Mobile Users: The reason I am writing this post, more than anything, is convey that we need to explore all aspects of a mobile platform before deciding which serves us best.

Note: A search note today says that 17% of Verizon subscribers will join the iPhone camp if Apple makes it available on the CDMA network. That's more than 15 milions new iPhone users who will be making the right decision.

Another note: I am a big Android fan. If I don't get another Android device as my next mobile, I am certainly looking forward to an Android tablet should it be a good iPad competitor.

3rd Note: A new test was conducted by PocketNow with Flash disabled. Why? Flash is an advertised feature of Android's Web experience. Users can't be expected to turn off Flash when they want faster browsing. It's all or nothing for anyone who professes having Flash as a reason why they quit the iPhone.

4th Note: I got the inspiration for this post from this by PC World post by some guy name Cross. Well, it's just a blog, just like this one is. He's entitled to his opinion. His claim of millions switching is quite infantile though. For full disclosure, I'm linking to the post.

-- Post From My iPad

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Apple Fans Should Rejoice At Android's Success

For the majority of users of Apple products, we really don't care too much about the struggles in wireless politics and the open warfare between Apple and the rest of the industry. Nevertheless, it's good to know the maddening pace of innovation and the visions for the mobile computing future from Apple, Google, and others.

As you may have heard, Android is doing well. Even if you don't get the iPhone as your next mobile device, going with an Android would be a wise choice. That's how good it is now. In the past, I wouldn't have recommended it. But with Nexus One, Evo, and Incredible from HTC powering Google's mobile growth, it has highlighted some shortcomings of the iPhone.

However, with iPhone 4 release weeks away and, possibly, a new iPhone, Apple will practically erase any advantage the Android has and put the mobile market back even further.

So right now, sit back and see how Steve Jobs will dazzle us at Apple's next press event in June.

For more about the Apple and Google rivalry, visit Onxo on how this war benefits Android and iPhone users.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

iPhone OS Is The Future For Apple

The regular OS X the backbone of everything Apple these days.  It's used across the board on all of Apple's hardware.

Mac.  iPad.  iPhone.  iPod Touch.  And even Apple TV.

However, it's the iDevices that is getting the bulk of the attention these days.  It used to be that when new Macs are freshed, websites trip all over themselves trying to report on the specs, benchmarks, and any changes in the exterior aesthetics.  Sure, we love a looking Mac these days but with the Macs in parity with the PC computers because of the Intel chips everyone pretty much use now, there just really isn't a lot to get excited about.

Now, it's the iDevices that hold the backbone of Apple's growth engine.  The iDevices are Apple's ambassadors to the world to convey what Steve Jobs see the future of computing, entertainment, and content distribution should be like.  

With it, it'll be the iPhone OS that will be the differentiating factor.  Development on OS X will continue because Macs are still an important part of Apple's business.  But any new innovation in the core of OS X will likely be shared with the iDevices.  And on top of this, Apple engineers will work to improve the mobile experiences iDevice fans have come to expect.

I'm bring this up now because WebOS is still around while RIM is about to introduce Blackberry OS 6.  Meanwhile, Windows Phone 7, very very delayed, should not be discounted (remember how Steve likes to remind us about those copiers that Redmond has to copy Mac OS features?).  

And Apple's greatest competitor today appears to be Google.  And Google is firing on all cylinders.  In fact, it's adding new cylinders all the time.  It's partner with Adobe to bring Flash into Chrome and Android even as it continues to work on HTML 5 features.  Furthermore, Android 2.2 was just introduced today, bringing it ever so much closer to matching iPhone OS.  

Android Competition.  I hope, and I'm confident this is the case, that Steve and Apple know that Google is a different kind of competitor that Microsoft is in the las decade.  Google is just as capable of innovation as Apple is (san a visionary like Steve) with a completely different take on mobile.  

It's important for Apple not to think simply it can out-innovate Google.  iPhone OS that powers the iDevices is the key to everything at this point.  In 1984, it "thought different" with the Macintosh.  In 1997, Apple thought different with the iPhone.  

It's time for Apple to "think different" with the iPhone OS and change the dynamics of the mobile landscape again.

Personally, I'm glad there is a Google that is pushing Apple team so hard.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

iPhone And iPad Taking Spotlight from Macbooks

It used to be that any time Apple introduces a new Macbook revision, it was cause for celebration in the blogosphere. These days, unless we get something extraordinary, you hear it for a day, maybe two, and it's back to iPhones, and now, iPads.

What does this say about the state of mobile computing? How about our expectations of of a digital mobile life?

Arguably, we are more excited about the next iPhone that we just were with the last Macbook Pro refresh and today's Macbook update. And believe me, the 2.4Ghz speed increase and a 43% uptick in battery life to 10 hours ain't nuthin' to sneeze at.

I am sure the Macbook will be a huge hit with the fans and anyone looking for a first rate laptop. Still, it isn't the huge attention draw it once was.

I do foresee a day when Apple blurs the line between the iPad and the low-end Macbook. How? Adding more traditional Macbook features to the iPad, such as camera and mouse support while simply killing off the Macbook all together.

iPads will be able to compete effectively with the low-end Windows laptops and the assortment of netbooks on the market. Furthermore, it will help Apple solidify its position as a provider that offers a range of mobile solutions based on the users specific needs.

What it does say about mobile computing is that we demand mobile to put a light device with a long battery life for consuming. While the iPad and iPhone are not perfection solutions for productivity in areas where you need a keyboard, Apple does offer solutions on that end.

I imagine the iPads to be more modular - Apple and 3rd party accessory makers will be able to offer modules to enhance users' needs. This may be the same for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Macbooks and Macs remain integral parts of Apple's line-up but for now and likely from here on out, the iDevices will dominate the spotlight.

Don't despair, my fellow mobile warriors, this is a good thing. Perhaps this is why in a recent e-mail spat with Gawker, Steve Jobs said PC guys are feeling like things are slipping away from them.

Steve is right.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Tweets About Apple, AT&T, and the iPhone

This is today’s blog-tweets on the iPhone. It’s incredible how stories on Apple suddenly have a life of its own.

But that’s because Apple is a beloved company that came out with product after product that changes the computing and mobile experiences. Most of us, mobile warriors, like it.

Of course, there are those out there will unwilling or unable to accept it. If even you aren’t fine with how Apple does its business (which is to make money), you have to at least appreciate what they’ve done to shake things up.

The latest story is Apple’s contract with AT&T and that has provided the Internet a lot of posts, clicks, and ads. Fine with me.

Now the tweets:

iPhone: lots of reports on Apple_AT&T contract. Engadget found court documents declaring the contract was for 5-years, through 2012. (part 1)

iPhone: USA Today previously reported contract ended in 2009 but AT&T negotiated extension. No one will know for sure. . (part 2)

iPhone: 5-year old contract between Apple-AT&T might be old and things could have changed in between. Opt-out clauses. . (part 3)

iPhone: Speculation that the great iPad data plan from AT&T was a concession to Apple to extend iPhone exclusivity. . (part 4)

iPhone: Maybe AT&T will get newer iPhone while other carriers will have to wait 3-6 months down the road to avoid mass exodus. . (part 5)

iPhone: Could be Jobs hate VWso much that they’ll never see the iPhone. Could be true if Sprint & T-Mobile gets it first (part 6)

iPhone: Based on the past, we are less than 2 months away from seeing the 4th gen iphone. Not an iPhone based on 4G wireless (part 7)

iPhone: Gizmodo’s exposure of the next iPhone could have accelerated 4th gen iPhone launch (part 8)

iPhone: there is a video of 4th gen iPhone assembly that looks like the one exposed by Gizmodo (part 9)

iPhone: New iPhone should be out for $199 base. Hope to see iPhone 3G for $49 or free, iPhone 3GS for $99. (part 10)

iPhone: I still believe we’ll see the iPhone on T-Mobile before VW or Sprint (part 11)

iPhone: Crunchgear sayz VW is working on their iPhone ad campaign for later in the summer (part 12)

Monday, May 10, 2010

4th Gen iPhone Assembly Footage

I just stumbled across this video on The Unofficial Apple Weblog that shows some guy assembling the next generation iPhone.

For the most part, I don't like trafficking in rumors but given the similar looks between this device and the one Gizmodo uncovered (bought, stolen), it's a lock. It's not a rumor.

The only thing that matters really is when we'll see this device. Any guesses?

more at TUAW.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mobile Rights - Tethering

If mobile has its own version of the Bill of Rights, tethering ought to be like the third or fourth amendment guaranteeing this right.

Seriously, right?

Look at the lack of tethering for iPhone users on AT&T while users on Sprint and Verizon Wireless probably find it strange how backward that sounds and, yet, iPhone users pay over to AT&T a bigger bill than their compatriots from other wireless providers.

-- Post From My iPad

Can A Best Seller Be Written on an iPad?

I do a lot of writing on my iPad. Emails. Docs. Blogs. The most I've ever written is four pages.

So it got me thinking about novels. Can a best seller be written on the iPad?

The biggest issue to me would be typing. After more than a month of the iPad, there is a lot of getting use to with the onscreen keyboard. I have realized that I need to watch my finger placements. However, if one is motivated enough to this, I don't see this as a problem in the long term just as I am determined to write the bulk of my blogs on the iPad.

But there are other aspects to writing a story or novel than just hacking it out on a keyboard or screen. On the Mac, there is the Storymill that works for some writers. And in fact, about half a dozen such applications for the Mac. When it comes to the iPad's bigger siblings, there is no shortage of creative applications.

I guess what I am saying is whether there are enough tools for the iPad that can allow a writer to do his or her work on an iPad. The reason I am bringing this up now is because tablets are here to stay. They will go with us wherever we go and if a writer has a suddenly creative inspiration, the iPad needs to be ready.

-- Post From My iPad

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mobile Tip -

What's cool about mobile devices is the ability to do a majority of the what we consider to be daily Internet and some computing tasks. And to even more resourceful users, much more can be done.

Watching videos, that's another matter. Sure, if you're on Android device, iPhone, or most other devices with Google links, chances are that you have Youtube. Well, we don't have Hulu yet and the iPad just got Netflix. So where does that leave everyone else and everything else?

Youtube. The problem with mobile Youtube is that it is difficult to find anything beyond a lot of user-created materials. I had hope to see a lot of TV and animation shows but it has been hard to "search" for them.

No longer. I just stop. What I did find the shows on Youtube that I want to watch on my G1 or iPhone, simply copy and paste the URL from YouTube to a mail and send it to yourself. After you received it, click on the links and most videos will play. I haven't had issues with any shows except Star Trek which I wager is still in Flash.

Another way to do this is by adding the shows to your account. That ought to work just as well if not better than using the email method. But this way, you will need to create a google or youtube account.

As for Flash videos, you're gonna be in luck as Adobe is racing against time to provide Flash in Android to fight against Apple's anti-Flash efforts by pushing open standard HTML 5. You will be able to access a lot of online videos like Hulu.

Of course, we will have to see if Adobe comes through and if the quality is as good as we have come to expect watching videos from laptops and desktops. However, Adobe is about 18 months late with Flash Lite so while I am hopeful, I am not holding my breath.

Note: I support the open standards push but until HTML 5 replaces Flash, Adobe is the only game in town for videos.

-- Post From My iPad

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mobile Ads - FTC Should Just Watch

Apple's iAds should worry people in both good and bad ways. Apple is shaking up the mobile market while it is limiting choice. On the other hand, Google is the beast in the ad arena and this is why the FTC is asking around wondering if the $750 million deal for AdMob would go through. Word is that the FTCisnt keen on approving the deal.

The question for me is why. The mobile ad market is young and, in dollar amount, insignificant. It will be years of innovation and shakeout before we know how the mobile ad market will look like and whether we are still looking at banner ads or ads that are more interactive like standalone apps. Maybe there's even more creative means to deliver ads.

However, I do want to see the Feds keep their nose in things to make sure things are on the level and that no one is leveraging their position to wipe out competition.

I want to see iAds flourish and others trying to keep Google host. The mobile market is big enough for multiple platforms. It is also big enough for multiple mobile ad companies.

-- Post From My iPad

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Flash War: Onxo Tweets About Apple, Adobe, Flash, & HTML5

Here's an aggregate of today's tweets that I put up called "Flash War".

The day started looking quite promising as the media latched onto "reports" from "sources" that the FTC and the Justice Department are negotiating with each other about who should look into whether Apple did anything wrong not wanting substandard apps in the iPhone platform.  I think iAds could also be thrown in.

However, there is certainly no indication that an investigation would even be initiated.  After all, Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor and advisors to other administrations, believe the FTC has better things to do than to investigate Apple (okay, the Justice Department is another issue).

The tweets:
  • Flash War: Adobe mouthed off to the feds to get them to look at Apple's SDK agreements. Stupid, stupid, stupid... (part 1)
  • Flash War: Adobe should shut up and work hard to make Apple regret it. Go crying to others is just weak (part 2)
  • Flash War: Apple is now pissed. How does getting the government involved help Adobe? (part 3)
  • Flash War: At the end of day, Adobe pissed off one of its better partners. Apple has billions to kill Adobe if needed (part 4)
  • Flash War: Look for Apple to develop its own creative suite. Legions will follow. Adobe, dumb, dumb, dumb… (part 5)
  • Flash War: Macromedia buy by Adobe was a bad bet. Apple will be developing own html 5 tools (part 6)
  • Flash War: Adobe needs to shut up and circle wagon and innovate like crazy. Only way to out-Apple Apple. (Part 7)
  • Flash War: Vids of Flash on Android. Very short. Both promising and worrying. (part 8)
  • Flash War: Scribd will abandon Flash & move to HTML 5 start tomorrow. 200K of the most popular docs will be ready.
  • Flash War: ARM blames Adobe for slow smartbook beginning. Reason? Flash & Air delay since 2009. Effort also hindered by interests in iPads
  • Flash War: Adobe will need Google to stave off Flash death. Probably can't wait for Chrome OS to be available later this year.
  • Flash War: ARM had hoped Linux & Flash will be weapon against Intel's netbooks. Linux sales disappoint. But Flash was a no show.
  • Flash War: Here is more on ARM's disillusion with Adobe and Flash.
Bottom line: Adobe has a lot to offer the Internet and computing in general. Instead of waging a publicity war that it isn't like to win, Adobe should put the energy into innovating its products. And if Flash on non-iPhone mobile platforms do shine, that'll just shut Steve Jobs up, won't it?

Note: You can follow my twitter feeds here at paul_onxo.

Monday, May 3, 2010

iPad Keyboard Dock: Need a Redesign

I bought a keyboard dock for the iPad when it came out a month or so ago. Along with the case, it was a very good investment. Yeah, it's how I see all of my Apple related gears. After all, I suppose I could invest that money in Apple stocks rather than Apple goods.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand. I am currently hacking away on the iPad keyboard now. In terms of footprint, it's much smaller than my Macbook and it's about the same size of the iPad when it's laid on the tabletop in the Apple case.

With the keyboard along with the iPad, you've got a very portable mobile platform. However, I do have issues with the keyboard dock. It's not ergonomic to carry it around in a book or messenger bag. The back of the dock protrudes out and creates an unnecessary thickness.

It's unfortunate because the portability is unmatched for a tablet with a keyboard. I hope with the next design, Apple will make the dock detachable so the user can store the dock independent of the keyboard.

-- Post From My iPad

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My iPad 3G Impressions - It Is A Game Changer

You know by now I've been okaying with an iPad for a bit now. A month ago. Now, I am playing with an iPad 3G. More precisely, it's my Mom's iPad 3G.

It is a mixed bag as far as how I feel about it. First, my iPad is a month older. Not dated by any sense because the iPad is the same as the iPad 3G except the iPad 3G has a cellular antenna in there that provides wireless Internet from AT&T.

I have had sporadic access to the iPad because it doesn't quite belong to me. It's my Mom's iPad. She spent some time getting to know it but it was really my job to maker sure the iPad is configured as closely as possible to her iPhone.

Let me get to the 3G service first. Configuration was a piece of cake. I did it while i was participating in a live radio show on planetary and rocketry show. It took all of three minutes to get everything up and running.

The next thing I did was run the newly minted mobile service though few sites I visit on a regular basis. It was refreshing to seed the speed of the mobile Safari. It was exciting to see who fast the pages rendered thanks to the fast home grown chip Apple decided to use.

I went next with the Slingplayer. It worked as expected. The quality was decent but it's nothing to write home about. The fact of the matter is that. It worked well enough and I can't wait for the iPad specific version. I don't expect the quality of the video on 3G to improve markably as AT&T is probably throttling down the speed for this video streaming.

Aside from video, my mom is interested in making VOIP calls. And though AT&T gave the go-ahead for VOIP apps, there really hasn't been a flood of services and apps rushing to fill the voice need. Truly, it's sad. Truly, Skype...I'm talking to you.

Fring was subpar. It worked last night but in the morning, I got the warning signal that calls are only available through WiFi. But an hour after that, I decided to give it another try and calls started going through 3G once again.

Here's the changer for me: a very portable computer with perpetual wireless Internet connectivity. It has a long battery life that offers excellent UI with a huge library of apps. And to my surprise, the GPS in the 3G model is an added bonus.

I don't have the 3G model as you know. I really am amazed at those displayed superhuman patience by waiting an extra month.

-- Post From My iPad

Using Generative AI Has Given Me A New Appreciation For Siri and Excited For The Future of Apple Intelligence

I used generative AI this week to find the dimensions of a refrigerator based on the model number. I googled first because of muscle memory ...