Friday, May 28, 2010

Follow Me As I Try To Learn To Write An App

With anywhere from $6 to $9 billion in app revenue by 2014, depending on who you choose to believe, I think here's a small piece of action for me right?

I think so. Even it's a couple of bucks, there are a couple people will just buy any app just to test it out. Maybe I'll give it out for free and then collect revenues from the ads.

I am pretty sure I'll give the iPhone market a try first given how much Steve Jobs has hyped iAd if I plan on going about the free app route.

Plus, Apple just announced today a new program for indie authors to submit books to the iBooks store.

As a matter of fact, I just just mention this in a post at On Apple.

I will be tweeting and updating my progress. I hope you will also consider giving writing apps a try as well. Whether it'll be for the iPhone, Android, or another platform, there is certainly plenty of opportunity for a create soul to make some extra money.

-- Post From My iPad

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