Thursday, December 30, 2010
Apple Should Come Out With Own Magazine As Model For Others
Nexus One, Google's model smartphone, was a brilliant move even though it did not sell in the numbers expected but it did act as a showcase device for other device makers to follow and gave a kick in the butt for those in the Android market. Without it, the Android market may not be where it is at today. It is why Google continue this with Nexus S.
It's a model that Apple can follow. Steve Jobs should lead a team that can put together and publish an Apple-backed magazine. I don't know what subject it could be about. Anything really. But it will allow Apple to lead the way and show how to leverage technology and tools such as social media that are readily available for publishing a digital magazine.
I think a showcase along the line of The Project from Virgin is a good start. And while I applaud Virgin's effort and first time out, there is much more The Project can offer as its team gain more experience. Apple can leapfrog all that and put everything else in the app store to shame.
See, I don't think the reports of stagnating sales of magazine apps for the iPad is an issue about Apple not offering a subscription scheme for publishers. That has appeared on blog after blog and it's a rather easy excuse for everyone to latch onto.
The more serious problem is that everything thinks that just by offering a digital copy of the magazine would satisfy readers. Sorry, my friends, is not the case. The current magazines being offered on the iPad offer a few videos and sounds but nothing more. And most of what's available for the iPad can be obtained online.
Apple needs to approach the magazine and newspaper industry the way it did with music, mobile, and tablet markets. Shake things up and lead through innovation.
When Will iPhone For Verizon Be Announced? Don't Know But It Won't Be Verizon Doing It
So, essentially, there is talk about Verizon would announce the availability of a CDMA iPhone at CES beginning next week. Right. Verizon Wireless will announce to the world that Apple will make available the iPhone on its network.
This is the same Apple that left Macworld a couple of years ago and said that it doesn't want to be a part of any trade shows that force it to make announcements when it was not ready. The same Apple who's Steve Jobs said that by making announcements so close after the Holidays, its engineers were not able to spend time with their families.
So, bottom-line is this: Apple makes its own product announcements. Apple does not give up control to someone else to market their products and risk being screwed up or misrepresented to the consumers.
When will Apple tell the US consumers that they will have a choice of another network for the iPhone? Only Apple knows when that'll be but one thing is for sure. It won't be Verizon Wireless making that announcement.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
iBookstore SDK Is Needed To Shake Up The eBook Market For Apple To Win
However, outside of iTunes and the App Store, Apple's effort into other media has been met with mediocre success as with TV and movies. And it has so far floundered with ebooks. What should Apple do?
How about an iBookstore SDK?
Gauging Apple's Mobile Success By Examining Its Vision, Not Stock Price
I was watching a CNBC video today where two analysts, pretty much clueless about tech and what we mobile warriors are about, took both sides of the Apple stock. One thinks it’ll go up while the other thinks things about to come to a head for Apple’s stock price.
Where do I stand?
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Review of iSpot And iPod Touch
Sunday, December 19, 2010
iPad Means No Need To Watch TV For My Nephew
Well, no more.
In the past, we would spend all day watching TV. There was just no way to entice him to do anything else. Even when we are playing, he wanted the TV on. It's the same for the baby (14 months old).
With the iPad, the TV was not on until my brother's wife turned it on because she wanted to watch. Still, my nephew paid no heed to it. He was content with drawing and playing matching games on this magical device.
Still, I have to say that the iPad is no substitute for human interaction. I forced him to sit through a couple of physical books and played with his toys.
But in a short time, he has been able to learn and trace some letters.
So, I am not a TV guy for kids and the proliferation of iPads and tablets will really change how today's children spend their free time. But do make sure they go out and play too.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Waiting For A Quad-Core 17" Macbook Pro
Apple Mac App Store: Opening January 6th, 2011
Apple announced the Mac app store will be available on January 6th, 2011. Imagine waking up to this this morning. Apple isn't known for making product or feature announcements without a major press event. However, we have known for quite some time that the app store was going to open up soon. But the question remains: is the Mac app store going to have as big an impact as the iOS app store?
Only time will tell but given some of the chatters, the MAS (Mac app store) will have quite a few restrictions. No demo. No in-app purchases. Kind of a bummer. But perhaps this is likely because we are merely in the infant stage of the store and Apple will incorporate new features once both developers and end-users have had time to work out the kinks and the bloggers have had their say. Isn't that what happened with the iOS app store?
And I have questions that I think most users will want answered:
- Will we need an iTunes account to use it or is the Apple ID enough?
- If it's only the Apple ID that is needed, I wonder what MobileMe features might be liberated for all and not just paying users?
- Is the North Carolina data center going to be used for the app store?
- Is Apple asking for 30% for the fee from developers when developers now can keep 100% of the revenues for themselves if they sell the app through other means?
Those are just a few questions that popped into my mind when I found out this morning about the MAS. Hopefully, more details will be unveiled throughout the day. Meanwhile, prepare for Apple to release another OS X update that will incorporate the Mac app store feature.
Despite some questions and the restrictions placed on the apps, I do look forward to this. I think Apple has another feature that Redmond is likely firing up their copiers to add to their next Windows update. And I also believe the Mac app store will be a benefit to both developers and users once everything has been worked out.
Consider the six to nine months of the app store to be a part of the beta period. Not even Apple can foresee everything despite their experiences with the iOS app store. Plus, Lion will be available in June. I think that will also impact the development of the Mac app store as well.
More at Apple.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
When Is iPhone 5 Coming?
Convention says that the iPhone 5 will not be out until the middle of 2011. June has been the month that Apple released new iPhones since the iPhone 2G. That did not change for the 3G, 3GS, or the iPhone 4. Could 2011 be the year that Apple changed all that? Here's why I think perhaps they might go ahead and change things up a bit.
There is a lot riding in the mobile market. Tens of billions and Apple and Google are locked in an epic war for supremacy. And with Google and its multiple Android hardware partners, they can easily stagger their device releases through the year, giving mobile warriors the appearance that something new and fresh is coming out of the Android camp.
But with Android 3 release coming in the first quarter, giving Google the ability to attack the tablet market, I think Apple is in a position to consider moving up the time table for the iPhone 5 release.
Just this week, Best Buy in the US gave out the iPhone 3GS for free with a two year contract while Radio Shack went ahead with a $50 discount on the iPhone 4 that cleared out its inventory. So make no mistake that Apple is barely able to keep up with demand on the iPhone, but what Best Buy and Radio Shack may indicate that Apple is open to tweaking their sales model.
And if that was the case, Apple may also be open to adjusting their iPhone release plans. And with so much at stake, I can see two things happen.
First, Apple might move up the release of iPhone 5 from June to March or April. This will stunt any moves by its competitors to find solace in a period that typical is safe for them to release their smartphones without going up against the iPhone. Remember when Palm released the Pre just a week or so before the iPhone 3GS? Yeah, that didn't go well, did it? And the Pre was a pretty neat phone by my reckoning.
Second, Apple might update the iPhone 4 with some hardware changes. Google just announced the Nexus S with near field communication capability. Apple might also jump on this and get into the mobile payment market before the iPhone 5. Also, remember that we are still missing the white iPhone 4. Apple said it will be available in Spring. That might also keep the iPhone sale momentum going as millions of consumers look to satisfy their need to have a white iPhone.
So adding NFC and a white case could be just enough to keep consumers from going with whatever new hardware that Google, HP, or Microsoft comes out in the first half of 2011.
And let's not forget that Apple will be updating the iPad as well. There are talks about hardware enhancements that I still consider as rumors. However, my own speculations and observations of the market with the Samsung Tab release, the upcoming Playbook from RIM, and other Android tablet rumors seem to indicate most if not all of the iPad chatters are true.
Are we likely to see an earlier release window for the iPhone 5? I wouldn't say it's impossible but it's not likely to happen. I'd say some minor changes to the iPhone 4 is more likely. And that is beyond just release it in white. Personally, I would love to see an enhanced iPhone 4 move up to March and the iPad release moved up to February.
We'll just have to see how much pressure Apple is willing to take from its competitors. And with the iPhone selling out or in short supply, I'm not sure Apple feels the need to budge. Let's go back to what Best Buy and Radio Shack is doing for the Christmas season. If that can happen, anything can.
Friday, December 10, 2010
AirPrint Is Nice But I Don't Need It; Nor Should You
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Preliminary Impression of iSpot
And yeah, I am very happy with this mobile investment. In fact, I was able to get it up and running in less than 5 minutes of opening up the box the iSpot came in.
AI Buddies Because Agents Are Too Formal (and Intimidating)
AI agents are poised to revolutionize how we interact with technology. Imagine AI as a helpful assistant, integrated into apps and features,...

We can walk and chew gum at the same time. But how about watching a video while doing yard work, during a meeting you don’t want to be at, ...
Apple intelligence will not be coming to the Apple Watch just as it will not be coming to the Apple Vision Pro. That is not only the word on...
I used generative AI this week to find the dimensions of a refrigerator based on the model number. I googled first because of muscle memory ...