Sunday, May 23, 2010

Apple Fans Should Rejoice At Android's Success

For the majority of users of Apple products, we really don't care too much about the struggles in wireless politics and the open warfare between Apple and the rest of the industry. Nevertheless, it's good to know the maddening pace of innovation and the visions for the mobile computing future from Apple, Google, and others.

As you may have heard, Android is doing well. Even if you don't get the iPhone as your next mobile device, going with an Android would be a wise choice. That's how good it is now. In the past, I wouldn't have recommended it. But with Nexus One, Evo, and Incredible from HTC powering Google's mobile growth, it has highlighted some shortcomings of the iPhone.

However, with iPhone 4 release weeks away and, possibly, a new iPhone, Apple will practically erase any advantage the Android has and put the mobile market back even further.

So right now, sit back and see how Steve Jobs will dazzle us at Apple's next press event in June.

For more about the Apple and Google rivalry, visit Onxo on how this war benefits Android and iPhone users.

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