Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Free Applications From The Omni Group

If you have bought a Mac in recent years, you'll notice OmniOutliner that comes with the Mac. The Omni Group has gone a step further today and made a few applications free for Mac users.

This is a recession busting sort of thing but its greatly appreciated as far as I'm concerned.
  • OmniWeb - I like the session saving feature. But I'll go with what I've already got on my desktop.
  • OmniDictionary - not bad. I will be downloading this one.
  • OmniDiskSweeper - always need more memory and space.
  • OmniDazzle - I'll be passing on this one. I don't need more "dazzle" even though my Macbook can handle it.
  • OmniObjectMeter - it's a good application for developers who are looking to optimize their applications. Not for everyone.
I've downloaded OmniDictionary and OmniDiskSweeper. I've got Safari, Firefox, and, more recently, Flock. OmniWeb has come neat features but given the unqiue session saving is a good feature but it's not one that I need all the time.

Omni Group, thanks for these applications. I will be upgrading Outliner which I think is one of their better applications.

Source: Maccentral

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