Saturday, April 17, 2010

Second Gen iPad Needs Cameras

I've got the 32GB iPad as many of you already know. And I'm loving it. Even now, I am typing on the dock/keyboard I bought as I sip my coffee on a Saturday afternoon.

I've already write about 5 pages of another project I'm working on while I switch between Pages, Mail, Safari, and answering IMs from Meebo, I started thinking of the iPad as just another laptop that I am using instead of the Macbook.

The point I'm coming to is that as I work on the iPad, I'm also in a Skype conversation with someone else on the Macbook. More and more, the iPad will serve my daily mobile needs while I unload the heavy duty stuff, rendering iMovie files and working on Rapidweaver, over to the Macbook.

But there could be times when I'm on the road and I need to Skype with someone. Even conduct video chats. Over the next year, I see that happen often.

This is why I think it would serve the iPad market if Apple adds a frontal camera to their new mobile device just for this purpose.

Plus, given the number of iPads that Apple will be selling in 2010 and even more in 2011, the iPad will serve as a platform to launch another revolution change in mobile computing with a frontal camera. Apple can spark a huge shift in mobile communication from voice to video.

There is already talks within the developer community about evidence of video conferencing protocols in iPhone 4.0. There are also talk that the next iPhone will sport a frontal camera.

Bottom line is that a frontal camera for video conferencing is coming to the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. It is better for the millions of mobile warriors who rely on Apple's gears for their computing needs if Apple includes this particular function sooner rather than later.

Note: Teardown of the iPad show a spot where there is space for a frontal camera. Video conferencing is coming. There is also word that many of Apple's competitors plan on including a frontal camera in their slates and tablets.

-- Post From My iPad

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