Tuesday, June 22, 2010

720p Video Quality of the iPhone 4, 3GS, and Samsung Camera Comparison

Thanks to Macrumors, they've found a link for video taken by the iPhone 4. As you may know at this point, some lucky folks already have their iPhone 4s in hand.

And thanks to this individual, we now have a sample of the quality of the HD recording capability of the iPhone 4. What do you think? Directly below it, I've posted another video with the iPhone 3GS compared to a Samsung handset. I'm not say that we should be comparing the iPhone 4 with the 3GS but we at least can know what's possible.

And the video quality taken by the Samsung NV8, a camera seems better than the one taken by the 3GS. Hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? Plus, this is Apple we're talking about here. It's about quality after all.

Lots more at Macrumors.

Note: Be sure to selection "720p" for the Youtube quality.

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