Wednesday, January 19, 2011

February Will Have a Busy Second Week

You want proof that 2011 is going to be very very important for mobile?  What? CES wasn't enough?

CES in the first week of January did not end quietly as Apple and Verizon lit things up with the CDMA iPhone last week. This week, we had a bunch of earnings, trashing talking during earnings calls, and, oh, Steve Jobs taking his 3rd medical leave of absence.

We might have a quiet week next but Sony may be brewing a PSP2 meal for us.  I'm hoping to see a PSP phone as well.  

Just about the only week we might have a bit of time to catch our breath is the first week of Feb.  Then mobile activities will spike from there.  Check this out:

  • Feb 7th: Sprint is hold a mobile event.  Calling it a mobile first.
  • Feb 8th: Dell will likely show off their smartphones and new laptops
  • Feb 9th: HP jumps back into the mobile war with Web OS 2 and new hardware.  Maybe a couple of slates.  Probably some smartphones too.  

That's the second week.  We've yet to hear from T-Mobile but I can see that they'll probably save their best for the Mobile World Congress that'll take place after that.  

Basically, what you're seeing is a bunch of companies and carriers lining up at the scrimmage line, positioning their pieces, and waiting to work hard for our hard earned dollars.  

So,  get ready for what's ahead.  Come back here for analysis.  Do research.  And when you're finally ready to pull the trigger on your next smartphone or tablet, I have a feeling you will have the best stuff that these companies have to offer.  

And if you're a crazed mobile warrior like me who follow the industry like folks follow sports, you're in for a treat.  These events are like bowl games.  Each with their own theme and personality.  Loving every bit of this.  This sure makes up for a boring December.

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