Saturday, March 19, 2011

Macbook Air Over iPad - It's A Mac And Can Do Web Development

First, let me say that anything that I do on the Macbook isn't what I would call true Web development in the sense that there's coding with HTML or Javascript. In fact, all I use are iWeb, Rapidweaver, and a few open source graphic programs. However, aside from graphics, the iPod touch and iPad doesn't seem to be able to do both well.

However, if I am wrong, I love to be corrected. To date, there is no iOS version of the iWeb or popular Web site creator, Rapidweaver, or anything else like it. Only a couple of days ago, Realmac Software, maker of Rapidweaver, said that while an iOS version isn't off the table, it will be a major undertaking.

For now, I'll have to go with the Macbook Air, the smallest and lightest of the Macs to do these heavy lifting for my mobile needs. However, I eager look forward to the day when my iPad can perform all the mobile needs that I require.

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