Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Amazon's First Tablet Maybe Be Subpar But It's Still Going to Succeed

This gdgt post really gave it to the Fire, Amazon's first tablet that will be introduced less than 24 hours from now.  You can read the unsubstantiated details about just how Amazon has to make some compromises and how it's not quite ready.

Even if this first Amazon tablet is "poor" and Playbook-like, I can't see how that's a bad thing?  Playbook largely failed because, well, it's Playbook.  

I think Amazon's Android 2.1 rendition should be better than anything that Samsung and others who aren't using Honeycomb have come up with.  I think Amazon along with Barnes and Noble will both outsell the rest of the traditional Android guys.

Furthermore, everyone know that the Fire will be Amazon's first foray into tablet market.  So, we're not exactly expecting Amazon to  hit it out of the market.  

For Amazon, it's about getting on base.

And for mobile warriors, regardless of which camp you're with, competition is good.  Personally, if Amazon does offer Prime users special deals via the Kindle, I hope it is extended to all Kindle users, even those not on the Fire.

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