Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We Got The iPhone 4S Today Because Apple Isn't Feeling The Competitive Heat

I know many of you are disappointed because we didn't get the iPhone 5.  Well, blame Google.  Blame Android.  Blame RIM.  Blame HP's gutless move to "cut" Web OS.  Blame Microsoft.  Well, scratch that.  Let's blame Steve Balmer for Windows Phone being two years late.  Blame HTC, Nokia, Samsung, and Sony.

Heck, let's blame everyone for not putting the heat on Apple and it's we're stuck with the iPhone 4S and not the iPhone 5.  After all, they failed to "bring it".  

At least that's what this iPhonetouch.blorge post is saying.  In a way, I kind of have to agree.

And it gets worse on the tablet side.  If sales don't pick up in 2012 for non-iPad tablets, heck, Apple might put off the iPad 3 release until, well, 2013 or later.  

Alright, perhaps not but you know what I mean right?  

Right now, Apple probably would not care that Android has 50% of global smartphone market or more than 40% of the US share.  The reason is because Apple, with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPhone 4S, can reach closer to 70% of the profit.  Might even take some valuable shares as well.  

So, I have to agree with iT.b.  Let's hope that Android 4, Mango, and Blackberry OS successor QNX can really put the heat on Apple.  Perhaps, we might see iPhone 5 in June of 2012 rather than October of 2012.

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