Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Harry Potter Books: Will Tim Cook Or J.R. Rowling Blink First?

As you know by now, Harry Potter books are now available via Pottermore and they can be purchased on an assortment of ebook stores except for the iBookstore.  The going guess is that Apple wants 30% of the cut but Hogwarts Publishing is saying no to Apple.

The question I have on this is who will cave first?  Or not at all?

Is it important that you get Harry Potter books in your iBooks app or are you going to be happy with reading them through Kindle or the Nook app?

Well, there is a way to get these books on your iPad or iPhone.  These books are in unprotected ePub format so you can still get them via other platforms and then upload them directly to iBooks.  Most folks are suggesting that you do it through iTunes but I wonder if you can do it simply by emailing them to yourself.

My guess is that a deal will be struck eventually.  I'm sure the folks working for Pottermore are just as much fans of Apple as Apple fans are of Harry Potter.  What I'm hoping is that once a deal is struck, the iOS books will be created with a richer format unlike the textbooks that Apple is pushing.

Imagine these books created with iBooks Author - special edition books that has rich media of video, music, and games that also offer much social media elements  Words and images would come alive right before your eyes.

You know, just like them books at Hogwarts.

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