Thursday, August 2, 2012

What Does Apple Hope To Gain With Its Own Maps App?

Interesting Appleinsider post here about how Apple will use its own maps to replace Google Maps and deny Google valuable information about iOS users.

I have to wonder if all this matters much in the long run.  It isn’t as if Google, with only location information data from Android users, arguably with a larger installed base than iPhone users, won't be able to create awesome new features and services.  In fact, Android users has had better mapping services from Google for years.  And it’s not as if Google Maps will suddenly disappear from the App Store either.

It's only with iOS 6 that iPhone users will gain some parity with Android map apps from Google.

Whether it is Apple, Google, or even Microsoft, their services has to provide value in ways that is unique it its installed base.  Maybe that’s what Apple is hoping to do.  However, last I check, there are quite a few Google developed apps and they’ve enjoyed a lot of downloads.

Anyway, competition is good for all mobile warriors so I’d say bring it on.

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