Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Apple Watch Nano or Apple Wrist

There is some disturbing news that Apple is discontinuing sales of competing health bands like Jawbone UP and Nike Fuelband.  Granted, these are health bands and not actual watches and, granted, the Nike Fuelband is as good as discontinued, it really highlights a segment of the health monitoring market that Apple is not addressing with the Apple Watch.

Anything $250 and under market.  I would, in a heartbeat, get in on a $200 Apple band that monitors just steps and is integrated with the Health app on my iPhone. 

I'm hoping that perhaps after a year or so, Apple will introduce additional health monitor devices and other forms of wearables for those not interested in a fully functioning computer that sits in a wrist. 

I've been a dedicated user of the Up, Fuelband, and Fitbit - tried them all at different times as wear and tear forced me to get one or the other.  My latest was the Fibit Force that also monitored how many stairs I take.  After it died, just before Apple unveiled the Apple Watch last fall, I've been getting by with my iPhone Plus as a step counter.

It works just fine except I have to carry it with me pretty much everywhere. 

And frankly, I've already decided that I would use my Apple Watch for my daily workout and don't necessarily plan on carry it with me from the moment I wake up until I charge it at night.  A Apple branded band would be able to fill my needs between 6am and 5pm.  After that, I'll switch to the Apple Watch when I go on my run or the gym. 

Hopefully, like Apple often do after years of a product launch, it'll release the same device under a different form factor just like it has done with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod.  We got the original iPod that was then followed by the iPod Mini, iPod, Nano and the Shuffle.  The same with the iPhone and iPad.

So, let's see what Jony Ives and his design team can come up with and maybe they'll be able to address the $250 and under health band market.  It would be a real shame if it doesn't happen. 

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