Wednesday, March 23, 2016

What I Want From Apple Next: 15" Macbook

I've waited a year for an update to last year's super-ultra-thin 12" Macbook.  And while I had hoped that Apple would do one of those quiet refresh of the Macbook line with the still new-ish Intel Skylake chips that offers better performance and longer battery life, I suppose we will have to wait a few months longer until the next Apple event, which is the June World Wide Developer Conference.

But the possible bonus to the extra three month wait is that Apple may refine the Macbook line, specifically the Macbook Pro.  However, I have a Macbook Pro and I'm not looking for another one.  It does what I need it to do for the most part so I'm looking at the 12" still.

However, should the 15" Macbook Pro manage to shed a couple of pounds, I may give it a second look.  In fact, I would not mind a bigger retina Macbook should Apple release one with 15" and manage to have it come out to about 3 pounds.  Considering that I am very mobile as in that I move about quite a bit, shed the 1.5 pounds will be welcoming. 

Can Apple some how make the 15" Macbook go below 3 pounds?  That would be even better.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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