Sunday, September 28, 2008

Best Non-Mac Macbooks

Will Apple eventually license OS X?

I don't know but I'm beginning to come around to the idea that maybe Apple may offer OS X to 3rd parties.  Why is that?  Intel.  Since the early days of the Apple-Intel partnership, folks started trying how to efficient get OS X installed on non-Mac hardwares.

So, in a word or two, what is the state of this form of Mac jailbreak?

Not too difficult.  That three words, ain't it?

Some of the EEE PC owners have been able to install OS X without much difficulties (Wi-Fi did not work out of the box - there is a Dell Wi-Fi card that be found on eBay).  Even before this, we have the Hackintosh where people installed OS X on desktops.  The boast is that no hacking is required.  However, it does require twicking the BIOS and having to go on the Internet and download a special version of Leopard.

Wired has now gone a step further and literally promote install OS X in the MSI Wind by associating openly with hackers (for journalstic purposes I'm sure).

I'm okay with that.  Really.  I've unlocked and jail-broken iPhones And this is why I think Apple may allow a small number of sanctioned manufacturers to make OS available in market segments currently addressed by Apple.

If it does happen, it will not be an situation like we had in the 90s.  I think it would look a bitter more like the app approval process.  Nothing will go on sale without Apple's approval and Apple will receive payment from from licensing OS X and the "verification process".

So, we've got MSI Wind and EEE PC.  Now, I'm currently looking at the Asus N10 .  It's retailed for $800 but at that price, I going to recommend getting the Macbook instead of Asus N10 to run OS X. No hacking required there.

It has 2GB, 160GB or 250GB, Vista/XP, and a hybrid graphic system, Intel's IGP and Nvidia's GeForce 9300M.  It's the GPU system that got my attention.  And this is what it's capable of doing:

So, there you have it.  I think the N10 is the best candidate for OS X given it's GPU capability.  OS X runs well on Intel's IGP but having a dedicated GPU makes things easier.

The only thing is I'm looking for a price drop.  At this price, it's no longer a netbook.  Even if it is only about 3 lbs.

Note:  There have been speculation that there maybe an Apple project or device called the "brick".  Some think perhaps this is a wider strategy to throw a "brick" though Microsoft's Windows (be it Vista or XP).  It may be a series of assaults on the Redmond's OS market dominance.

Another Note:

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