Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mac-iPhone Update for October 1, 2008

You probably already know unless On Apple is your sole Mac and iPhone information but Apple withdrew their NDA.

And just as we wonder why they continued to implement the NDA, we now switch to why withdraw it now?  Their claim:  competition.  

But it does make sense since all their main competitors, including Android, is out on the market or soon will be.  There won't be any need for Apple to hold developers hush-hush.  Although, I just have to wonder though.  

Since anyone can download the iPhone SDK and have a peek around, what why would the NDA be an issue?  We had speculated on why the NDA was so important to Apple but we were right when we said it wouldn't go on forever.

iPhone-iPod Update:

  • Yesterday, the biggest news was Adobe making a boneheaded announcement about Flash for the iPhone pending Apple's approval.  With the NDA lifted, Adobe should be able to say more about it.  No word.  Wouldn't bet in it happen unless Adobe makes a lot of concessions to Apple.
  • Cult of Mac does not think Apple will close the iTunes store if the copyright review board decides to increase royalty to publishers.  Now Apple shutting down iTunes in Norway, that's another story.  
  • CNet's take on the copyrights fee.
  • RCR Wireless reports on CBS's iphone app and finds that news is in the eye of the beholder.
  • iPhone Atlas on take your iPhone overseas.
  • Phone Arena reports no LTE network on ATT for another 5 years.  Maybe we'll have the iPhone on WiMax or another network by then.  Don't think Verizon. They're sharing their next gen network with ATT.  And Sprint has been evil  with plans to be stingy with WiMax .
  • Onxo feels iPhone games should contain more depth.
  • 9To5Mac believes unlocked iPhone 3G is a way to get into China with accepting China Mobile's terms.
  • Macworld  reports owners very satisfied with their iPhone despite problems.
  • Mobility Today says Pay and Go iPhone available in the UK - will cost you.  But no contracts is very attrative.

Mac issues:

  • Onxo on the best non-Apple Macbooks.
  • Onxo on our "Mac Hybrid".
  • Ars Technica on impending Snow Leopard releases.
  • Applelinks provides an overview of Adobe's new suite of creative programs.
  • MacObserver  on new GIMP, open-source Photoshop-like program.
  • Macworld  reports Netflix will allow Mac users to view video by the end of the year.
  • Appleinsider reports one in five laptops were Macbooks.
  • Net Applications on Safari growth - 6.65% for Safari, IE drops big time.  Include Chrome, Webkit share rises to 7.4% - striking distance of Firefox.  
  • Net Applications on OS Share - scary thing, OS X within striking distance of Vista.  It will depend on Apple's plans but can happen.  Snow Leopard to gain Exchange support and we will certainly see Windows 7 delays.  Let's meet in 18 months.

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