Monday, October 6, 2008

Mac-iPhone Update For October 6, 2008

We did not post a lot of Mac updates last week because there really was not a lot to write about and I don't want to waste your time for the sake of clicks.

Just to recap a bit from last week, Apple finally lifted their nondisclosure agreement for iPhone developers. I can't call it the right move.  It was just "a move" that really should have been done.  Apple really screwed up by not communicating with the iPhone community on this issues.

Also today, NDP stated the iPhone took command of the smartphone market with 17% of total units moved.  It's possible Apple has already broken through the 10 million mark it set for itself for total 2008 sales.

Onxo Updates:

iPhone-iPod Update:
  • iSmashphone on iNotes for the iPhone.
  • TUAW on Street View and special features for Japanese iphone users.  Emoji should have been on the iPhone to start with.  Next step, make it easier for people to read enovels and comics, Jobs.
  • Touch Arcade on $10K prize for best iPhone/iPod game.
  • Small Wave talks about App Store.
  • iLounge on contract free iPhones in Mexico.
  • Macworld  reports owners very satisfied with their iPhone despite problems.
  • iLounge reports on iTunes store for Russia in 2009.  New Cold War is free market friendly.
  • Indy Star reprints Bloomberg article on iPhone in biz.  MacDaily News reports first Japanese corporate customer.
  • Keep an eye on this.  Judge allows lawsuit against iPhone ties to ATT to go forward.  Possible this may impact other devices and carriers.
  • iPhone Atlas reports French Iron Man Blue-Ray copy has iPhone features.
  • Macworld reports Norway demands Apple drop DRM.
  • Apple Matters explains App Store as a prison.
  • iPhone Atlas on take your iPhone overseas.
Mac Update:
  • There are some rumors flying about.  We won't be getting into it.  But one of them is feature specific in the sense that it's missing from current Macbooks.  A dedicated GPU.  Let's hope we see them finally in Macbooks.
  • Esquire on Jobs and his legacy
  • Computerworld on no need for Jobs.
  • Net Applications on Safari growth - 6.65% for Safari, IE drops big time.  Include Chrome, Webkit share rises to 7.4% - striking distance of Firefox.  
  • Net Applications on OS Share - scary thing, OS X within striking distance of Vista.  It will depend on Apple's plans but can happen.  Snow Leopard to gain Exchange support and we will certainly see Windows 7 delays.  Let's meet in 18 months.

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