I was finally about to download 3.0 around midnight last night. Came home earlier but connections were refused a number of time so I decided to go workout. After dinner and messing around the house a bit, I finally decided to give it a try.
First thing I tested out was the cut-and-paste feature. Flawless. Then I wanted to test out the push notification feature but I didn't really know which apps offer it. There was no IM apps that I like except I had Yahoo's app. It didn't seem to work. I was not able to tell if the app simply didn't support the feature or push didn't work.
And the push notification is the one to watch this weekend and in the coming weeks. It was built as the sensible substitute to allowing apps to run in the background since that would decimate the battery life on the iPhone. It'll be interesting to see if Apple's network can handle the countless number of pushes are are sure to come. IMs. Scores. Gaming updates. News updates. Oh, Twitters too. Wow.
I'll be back later when I've gotten more time with 3.0 on my iPod Touch and provide an impression of each feature as I get a handle on it and use it for a bit.
Right now, I certainly recommend getting iPhone 3.0 for the iPod Touch, even for 1st gen Touches. There are just too many features there that you don't want to pass up.
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