Monday, October 5, 2009

Macpromo Security Bundle - The Best Bundle So Far

First, I just want to say that I don't get a penny of this bring this Mac bundle promotion (just check the link).  It's just my daily Web surfing and I came across it.  In fact, I intend on buying this tonight and installing the ones that I need.

Macpromo has a Mac Security Bundle for $49.99 for us right now.  Twice or thrice a year, Macpromo has bundles that Mac users can get for dirt cheap.  And to be honest, for most bundles, half of them are pretty good while the other half, not so much.

However, this one looks very good.  Look, Mac folks, the Mac isn't immune from Internet attacks.  And if you're a regular user like myself, we have no idea how the inner workings of the OS X work and why we seem to not be suffering from the constant barrage of security holes, viruses, and other darker elements of the Internet.  Perhaps it's because the Mac install base is still small and not worth the efforts of the hackers and virus writers.

But the day will come when the Mac is going to need some protection.  Well, this bundle is a good start.  I've got like 4-5 applications running on my XP machine at work.  I just don't trust Microsoft or just any one specific application on the PC.  And since we don't know a lot about how Macs work, having these applications in the bundle is provides me with a piece of mind.

So, again, I am bringing this to your attention because it's a great bundle and having some distance between us and the bad elements of the Internet, whether we need it or not, just makes good sense.  And again, I'm don't get a penny of this.  I'm just a satisfied customer.  This will be my 2nd bundle that I've got from Macpromo and third Mac bundle over all.

Of these, I'm particular interested in TechTool, VirusBarrier, Personal Antispam, Spring Cleaning, and FileGuard.  As a matter of fact, Klix and Personal Backup, and ContentBarrier are the three applications I probably won't use much.  The Computrace LoJack is interesting though I almost never let my Macbook out of my sight (I don't even trust my family with it).

So head over and see if this is something you'll be into.  I highly recommend it.  A lot of times, they have a couple of hidden applications that will unlock when certain number of bundles sold are reached.  It doesn't appear to be the case this time around.

More at Macpromo.

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