Thursday, July 29, 2010

First Post Through ScribeFire Through Safari - Possibilities for iOS Safari

This is the first post I am using through ScribeFire using the Safari Extension. This is, of course, nothing new for many bloggers or writers who have used ScribeFire through Firefox or Chrome. But for many Safari users like myself, this is new and exciting.

Two issues can really make things interesting for mobile users. Of course, many are still on Macbooks or Macbook Pros and like me, you'll be able to download one of a number of extensions currently available from Apple. However, what does that leave the iOS devices?

Yeah, I would like to be able use this on the Safari on my iPad. It's nearly identical to the OS X version. I would like to see extensions available some day. And I imagine it'll likely be sooner rather than later. Extensions for Safari is based on HTML 5, being pushed hard by Apple as an alternative to Flash, and Javascript which the iOS already supports.

Perhaps, we might see this once iOS 4 for the iPad becomes available. At the very least, we should see it on iOS 5.

The second issue is that with added HTML 5 support, it will be the Safari on iPad into more parity with the OS X version, making for a richer Web experience. I think this is where Apple will truly shine.

And I lied, there is a third issue. Extensions are nothing new to web developers, programmers, or users on the PC or Macs who uses non-Safari browsers. This the first time Apple has entered this part of the browser market. Why is that?

I am guessing that Apple has something very big in stored for the computing world. And I imagine that whatever it is, it'll have a lot to offer mobile warriors, specifically iOS users.

I don't know what it is but based on past Apple initiatives, it'll be a game-changer.

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