Sunday, October 17, 2010

Earnings and Apple's Mac Event

Perhaps it is a matter of timing that Apple's 4th quarter earnings and its Mac-focused event are so close to each other. Apple will report earnings on Monday while, presumably, Steve Jobs will go to work on Wednesday morning at 10AM PST to wow the world once again with new Macs and a OS X preview.

I don't remember a time when the two events are held so closely together. Maybe I am just being paranoid. My heart tells me that Apple will take care of Wall Street and tell them what they want to hear. But keep in mind that shortage of iOS devices even in the face of overwhelming demands may hamper sales even as Mac sales seemed to have not been affected by iPad cannibalization or the sagging economy.

My fear is that in the short-run, any less than blow-away numbers from Apple will give the uneducated knee-jerk reactionists in the media opportunity to write hit-bait posts on how demand for Apple products are no longer strong. And anti-Apple bloggers will be out in force. You can bet on it.

Or just the opposite will happen. Numbers will show that Apple has outpaced rivals and its stock price will reflect the reality that it is deserves to be the valued and valuable company in the world and that fact will be reinforced Wednesday morning on a fine cloudy day in Cupetino, California when Steve and the usual casts of executives march onto the stage and blow us away with new touch-based Macbooks capable of running iOS apps, 7" iPads, iLife and iWork 2011, and os X Lion.

And maybe "one more thing", T-Mobile and Verizon to carry the iPhone by November.

All wishful thinking I know. But let me have this one. I am enjoying a great Sunday in Los Angeles. Reality doesn't have to returning until Monday morning.

-- Post From My iPad

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