Thursday, January 6, 2011

Apple, Thanks for the Mac App Store - Now, How About iBookstore for Mac Too?

iTunes, Then the app store for iOS.  After that we got the iBookstore also for the iOS.  And today, we got the Mac app store.  And while my Macbook is at home waiting for me to update it to 10.6.6 so I can start downloading Aperture for dirty cheap, I want to know when the iBookstore will come to the Mac too.

It does make sense that Mac users, possibly even Windows users, will want to be able to read and buy books from the iBookstore especially if they also own an iOS device.

I know I will.  I spend a lot of time browsing on Safari, for Mac and Windows, to check out apps before I purchase it for the iPad.  I think this is a similar behavior repeated by millions of users.  

I know I'll do that with an desktop iBookstore as well.  Fine, don't let us read the book except on an iPad or iPhone but at least let us browse and buy books we want and have it remotely downloaded to the iOS device or iTunes for syncing later.  

What do you think?

Note:  Just so I don't make a bigger ass of myself than I already am, I checked iTunes to see make sure Apple did not sneak iBookstore in there for desktop purchases.  I was not able to find it.  

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