Sunday, January 30, 2011

My First Podcast Via iPod Touch That You Won't Hear

As I prep to go out into the great Sunday morning to do some mobile work at Starbucks, I decided to talk to my iPod touch as I walked out the door. With the Apple headset with the mic and the iPod touch, I started chatting away. My first attempt at a podcast.

Earlier in the week, I brought up the possibility of using the Voice Memo app on the iPod touch to podcast on the go. So, how did it go?

Well, it was a grand success. I got clear voice signal and I was definitely not going for the clarity of an indoor professional recording environment. I got the background noise that I wanted with the more natural conversational tone.

But you're not going to hear it ever. The reason isn't the sound quality, rather it is the content quality. I was woefully unprepared. I chatted away on subjects of the President's State of the Union address to the nation to how I hope the recording works out the way I hoped.

In all, it was a successful ramble. Nothing more.

The reason for doing this is because it is an ongoing attempt of this blog to maximize mobile use of mobile Apple gears for productivity. And so far, I don't know of a podcast that utilizes the iOS to create podcasts.

I am encouraged and, hopefully, with more preparation and practice, I will be able to add a new dimension to my blogs.

-- Post From My iPad

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