Monday, June 27, 2011

No iPad 3 This Year - iPad 2 Backlog Still Immensely Popular

I'm going to say it again: Apple will not be releasing a new 9.7" iPad this year. There will not be any iPad 2.5 or iPad 3. Why? Just take a look at the backlog that still exist at Apple's online store in the US.

Then take another look at the iPad waiting period for Apple's online store in other countries. 1 To 2 week wait everywhere.

And if that's not enough, go to Walmart, Target, and Best Buy, three authorized resellers outside of Apple, and see if you can pick up the model you want. Chances are, you can't.

On top of that, the iPad controls nearly 90% of the global tablet traffic and 97% of the US Web traffic for the tablet market.

Still not enough evidence that there will not be a new 9.7" iPad coming out? RIM has cut back on orders. As have Acer. And tablet makers are said to be turning to Windows 8 to combat the iPad because Android 3, Honeycomb, has failed to catch fire with consumers.

Keep in mind that I said no 9.7" iPads. There is no reason for Apple not to release an iPod touch with 5", 6", 7", or even a 12" iPad (which I doubt anything beyond 10" is possible)this fall.

A smaller iPad or a big iPod touch is definitely within the realm of possibility. It would certainly help take some demand pressure off the iPad 2. And cannibalization of one Apple product for another isn't something that Cupertino is going to worry too much about.

So, no iPad 3. Not until late winter or early spring of 2012.

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