Monday, July 4, 2011

AT&T Provides iPhone Insurance On July 17th

Starting on July 17th, AT&T will begin offering insurance to iPhone users.  For new owners who sign up within 30 days of activation, they can sign up for iPhone coverage for $5 a month.  More information at Macnn.

What I do find interesting is the timing of the issue.  In the past, typical changes mobile plans and policies take place weeks or just a couple of months before new iPhone are introduced  AT&T did just before the iPhone 4 went on sale by ending unlimited data plans. 

So with this insurance policy change, I reckon it's one of recent signals that the next iPhone is coming sooner rather than later.  What other signs are there?

Verizon Wireless, which started selling the iPhone in February, will pointed end their unlimited data plans on July 17th.  

More than rumors, the timing of moves by mobile wireless providers can provide us with more valuable information about Apple's iOS releases.  How would you like to see the next iPhone 5 (or iPhone 4S) in August?

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