Tuesday, July 19, 2011

iPads Cannibalizing Macs And Even More PCs

There was not a lot of talk today about post-PC on Apple's financial call.  But there was a bit of talk about Cannibalization of the Macs and PCs.

In fact, we should see more of this going forward as Apple's iPad gains acceptance and added functions that will allow users to see it as their main source of mobile computing needs than PCs.  

iPad sales has grown nearly 3x from a year ago to 9 million iPads, 

According to Techcrunch, Tim Cook, COO of Apple is fine with the loss of Mac sales to iPads because there are more sales to be taken away from Windows-based PCs.  And truly, Apple is in an enviable position.  It has virtually a sole ownership of a new market while it takes sales away from rivals.  

And this could potentially continue for years as consumer and enterprise sentiment regarding tablets becomes increasingly more positive.

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