Monday, July 4, 2011

Latest On Google Plus: Invitations Still Halted And Loophole Still Closed

Hi, this is a quick update on the Google Plus situation.  On Friday (7/1), I put out a notice on my blog that how those of us with access to Google Plus can invite family and friends into Plus.  It was not a direct invitation but a way to e-mail stream update to people.  From there, they can click on the "Learn more about Google Plus" icon and gain access that way.  

As far as I know, I was able to add those of you interested in getting a Google Plus account as of early morning the next day.  Luckily, I was able to invite a few dozen and was pretty happy about that.

But those that received the email after that or read their e-mails too late were shut out.  And I tested it against this morning and the situation remains the same.  And Google has not opened up on our pages official invitations to invite friends from within our stream page.

I will continue to reply to those of you who e-mailed me for access.  When things change, I will e-mail you directly again and post a new blog post notifying you of the change.  I hope to get all of you on Plus as soon as possible and hope that we remains friends after.  Since this experience, I have made friends from all over the world.  

I can tell you this about Plus.  It is truly a remarkable experience.  

More at Onxo.

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