Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mobile And Social Perfect For "Change That We Can Believe In" And Make Happen

Here it is:  with social networks and your mobile device, you can be more effective than your usual run-of-the-mill government official, elected representative, or your typical organizer.  Everything you want to do about things you support, dislike, or simply want to lend a voice to an issue is already within your reach.  I'm talking about the smartphone in your pocket, Twitter or Google Plus (yeah, yeah, and Facebook too), a Wordpress blog, and couple of mobile apps.  

In the old days, people had to get together for meetings.  Someone had to coordinate and try to rally people to join in a cause.  Today, a couple of countries in the Middle East have new governments because Facebook and Twitter.  Iran's Green Revolution did not succeed in changing the government but it scared the crap out of Tehran.  And then there's the on going struggle in Syria that has yet to be resolved.  All started with a simple tweet or Facebook update.  

Most of us live in a country that don't require a revolution (though I'm sure some of you might disagree with me).  However, there are issues that you probably care about and like to see something done about it.  Well, here's my challenge to you:  do something about it.

Get your iPhone, Blackberry, Droid, start up a blog, take pictures, and share with like-minded mobile warriors.  This is an issue that I will examine in future posts.  If there is anyone out there who is an activist blogger, from trying to get your pot hole fixed, running out that corrupt city council member, or trying to reduce government debt, share with us your experience and how others can go best about this.

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