Tuesday, August 23, 2011

TheStreet.com Bait Click With Faulty Claim Of Free iPhone

Earlier, we shared with you s Reuters report that has some "exclusive" information on the next iPhones.  Plural.

One will be an eight GB iPhone 4 and another will be the higher end model.

Thestreet.com reports that it means its a free iPhone.  Well, maybe but probably not.  Keep in mind that Apple and AT&T typically offers a lower end iPhone.  Currently, it's the iPhone 3GS.  and the year before that it was the iPhone 3G.

So, this newer model iPhone 4 with less storage falls in line with that kind of thinking.  There is absolutely no proof that Apple will price it low enough that carriers can subsidize the whole device and make it free.

There is one possibility.  If this newer iPhone 4 can be sold around $400, then that could happen.  Remember that Apple will be going after the post-paid market as well.  A $400 iPhone could be just what is needed but it is still pretty expensive compared to the Android devices that cost $200 to $300.

Can this newer iPhone 4 be free?  Only if it retails for $400 and wireless providers are willing to cover that cost.  Otherwise, look for $100 to start, just like how much the iPhone 3GS costs when the iPhone 4 came out.

Source:  The Street.

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