Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What Are Your Reasons For Getting a Macbook

You've got a Macbook?  Maybe you do but you like to upgrade?  Or trying to convert someone over to the Apple's side of mobile computing?  Or trying to get one for work?

eWeek, via MacDailyNews, has some compelling reasons why people should be buying Macbooks.

I couldn't put it better myself.  I'll let you chick through to read it but personally, I like the security, the heart and soul Apple poured into making my Macbook Air, long battery life, and the elegance of the OS X.

On top of that and it's not just me but others as well, many feel they're more creative and productive when they're using their Macs.  I certainly don't feel that way with my Dell.  Forget about Steve Jobs' reality distortion field.  Apple products just seem project their own creativity field for the users.

What's your excuse for wanting or getting a Macbook?

Source:  Macdailynews, eWeek.

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