Monday, September 12, 2011

Number of Betas of iOS, iCloud, And OS X Shows Apple Very Serious About New Mobile Direct

It's going to be cloudy this and cloudy that for Apple from now on and that's a good thing if they get iCloud right. 

Given the number of betas of each feature, iOS, OS X, and iCloud and the number of betas of each mentioned, Apple is working very hard to make sure that iCloud will not be a repeat of MobileMe.  

And it goes beyond just cloud computing because, as you know, Apple isn't just about one specific product.  It has a comprehensive strategy that it has put together to come up with a UI that users have come to expect from Apple.

It'll be interesting to see if users can appreciate Apple's mobile and cloud plans.  And with new iOS hardwares on the horizon, Apple is poised to change just how mobile warriors work, play, and stay connected with friends and family.

By come reckonings, we are looking at a lot of new hardware  iPhone 5, a revised iPhone 4 for the low end market, and iPod touch possibly with 3G. And I'm still holding out the possibility that we'll see a iPod touch with a 6-7" screen.

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