Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tablets As Camcorders Could Increase

Is the tablet going to be the new camcorder, for older folks?  I was at my hospital yesterday where I go to donate blood and platelets.  Speaking with one of the nurses, she told me how she felt relaxed after her vacation to Hawaii and that she'd bring pics to show us.

When I asked her what camera she used, they said, "I used the iPad, you silly..."

Wow, I was thinking to myself.  But you know what?  I can see this pick up over time.  In fact, we haven't seen more of this because I think the iPad 2 camera just was not quite there.  And Android devices didn't really have any good camera and video apps.

I think we'll see more tablet users, especially ones more portable, take them on vacations and use them as their digital camcorders and cameras.

My nurse has an iPad 2 so I don't think the pics will turn out great.  Even she said something about that.  But she did say the videos came out awesome.

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