Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Movie: This is Why Our 16th President Is The Most Badass POTUS

Some say that President George Washington is the best POTUS we ever had.  Probably.  But others say that it's our sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln.  Let's just say that it's a tie.  How about that?

However, as far as I know (according to Hollywood), President Lincoln is the only vampire hunter that ever sat in the White House.  And in this day, that makes him the awesomest, most badass POTUS.

I'll be honest.  When I first heard about this movie, I thought it was the dumbest idea ever.  It's like "Hollywood, you've ran out of sequels and remakes to do already?!"  But after watch the trailers, I was like "wow, this works."

Here's this Friday's movie clip, a trailer for Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter!!!

Have a great weekend!

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