Sunday, August 11, 2013

Apple Event: "Nope", Promotion Periods, and September 10th

Source: All Things D.

Is that time of the year when we expect Apple to put on its annual media event introduce its fall lineup to get again crush the Christmas sales. So that means guess games. Rumors will fly and people will try to guess and second guess one another.

Typically, the first ones you'll hear about are going to be false. Just like this September 6th date that was immediately debunked by Jim Dalrymple of The Loop Insight, Apple fan legend (I know that's probably not the right description).

I could have "nope" that myself. Seriously, when has Apple ever launch a device on a Friday!?

Then last night, All Things D posted that the fall event should take place on September 10. So far, no one seems to be disputing that. It also falls on a Tuesday so this make sense though it's far from confirmed. Still, it does appear legitimate at this time.

However, this does not mean that Apple will beginning selling and shipping the next iphone, iPad, or whatever new product they'll be introducing right away.  For that, let's look at the promotions that Applies currently running at this time.

For the first time ever, Apple has included in its back-to-school promotion the iPhone.  Also included are the Macs and the iPads. The promotion ends on, you guessed it, September 6th, the likely source of the wrong Apple event date.

The 10th falls on the immediate Tuesday after the end of the promotion.

Given the enormous pressure Apple has been under to demonstrate that its capable of innovating without Steve Jobs, I am sure Apple is eager prove its naysayers wrong and full of crap.

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