Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bloomberg Report That Will Unveil iPhone Along With iPad At the Same Time Is Wrong Unless...

Bloomberg reported today that Apple will introduce the iPhone and iPad simultaneously at the same September 10th event that has been widely acknowledge by true Apple bloggers and insiders.  However, while the September 10th event is not in doubt, personally, I think the Bloomberg claim is.

This why I'm not linking to the false information.  However, just for fun, let's speculate a bit, small bit, about this.  Suppose if Bloomberg happens to be right, again money is that they're not, then we are looking at a likelihood that Apple has a window of opportunity in October to introduce a new product.

If so, many Wall Street analysts will speculate it to be the iWatch or, iWear, a device that is long rumored to be the product that Apple may introduce to replace the iPod or even compliment the iPhone through Bluetooth.

Then there's the famed Gene Munster, of Piper Jaffray, who not only believes in the unicorn, tooth fairy and that Apple will introduce an HDTV each year for the last, what, five years.

Those are the only two products that I can think of that Apple could be working on that might fit in the October slot to begin selling for the Holidays.

However, Bloomberg is wrong.  Apple isn't about to let two of its most recent and iconic devices share the same limelight.  On top of that, there doesn't appear to be a strong content deal for an Apple TV or HDTV announcement nor is Apple ready with the iWear or iWatch.

Still, like Gene Munster, I can dream.

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