Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Former Sapphire Plant

Source:  Cult of Mac.

Interesting read here regardind Apple's plans for a command center at the former sapphire plant in Arizona that went bust last year.  Apparently, Apple is looking at using it in such a manner that some executives from Cupertino may be moved there and the rest of the workforce will be local hires.

The first question is what exactly is a command center?  The bride of a starship comes to mind but I doubt it.  And Apple has no space program (that we know of).  There is the CarPlay and possible car technology program that Apple is working hard on that might benefit from this Arizona site.

Moving its car project once it matures and requires more space for R&D and maybe production in the Southwest would be idea.  Keep in mind that Arizona was once in the running for Tesla's battery plant that Reno, NV eventually won.

That is just speculation on my part.  A quick look on Wiki for Mesa, Arizona, where Apple's plant is located, yield some information that might be ideal for Apple to create a campus.  First of all, it's mostly removed from the prying eyes of Silicon Valley and the relentless Mac blog community.  The state is more business friendly than California is in general and in getting Apple's sapphire plant in the first place, the state has demonstrated a willingness to work with Apple.  When the sapphire plant went bust, Apple promised to do something with it and it has kept its word and then some.

Maybe all this command center is just a more sophisticated data center than most.  Maybe not.  With Apple and its incredible innovative energy, you never know what it will be up to. 

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