Monday, June 29, 2015

Clues in Swift Offers Mac and iOS Future

I've just started working on Swift, my first programming language since, well, I don't really remember.  But I have noticed how simple things are so far if you have the right tutorial.  And from what I can see after two weeks of studying and messing around with it, I have to believe that for those with a lot more programming skills, you should be able to discern just where iOS devices are head based on what you can do with Swift and offers some clues whether the lines between an iPad and a Mac might be.

One of the things you have to have noticed if you're wholly in Apple's ecosystem is that innovations and improvements Apple made on one platform can show up on another if it makes sense.  Take notification for instance.  It started on the iPhone and iPad and, now, it's one of the best features of OS X.

Furthermore, programmers are finding useful information in beta versions of Apple's OS.  Recently, it was discovered that Apple could be working on a 4K display or an iMac equipped with a 4K monitor.  Also, improvements to iOS keyboards on the iPad points to an iPad with a bigger screen that makes it more real than an unicorn.

I'm investing more and more time in Swift.  It's a bit intimidating at times especially after making a few twists and turns that tutorials did not authorize.  Personally, I have not found anything that I can share with the iOS community about Apple's future plans.

However, I'm sure there are more clues there than ever about what Apple has planned for the next iPhone, iPad, and unreleased Mac updates.

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