Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Macbook and Gaming

Given the strides that the new unibody Macbooks has made in the graphics department with the Nvidia integrated graphics process, it is suffice to say that we should also see a change in the specs of some games to reflect the update.

However, that has not been the case.  Checks on gaming sites like Inside Mac Games, publishers, and online stores that offer Mac games offered nothing.  In fact, no mention of Nvidia's 9400M at all. 

I do a little gaming.  I used to play a lot of LAN games.  As someone who is on the sideline waiting to get into the market for one and can't decide on which model best suits my needs as far as some gaming, video editing, and a mix of writing, e-mail, and everyday Web work, I would like to know how today's gaming requirements compared to the Macbooks. 

Resorting to Googling and combing through Mac-centric forums have helped but all are quite subjective due to the settings and tolerance of Macbook owners.  Some want settings really really high.  Others won't consider gaming good if they can't get 100+ FPS.  And still others don't mind play at the rate of a slide-show. 

I'll be making a call and buy in a few days.  I'll let you know what I decide on what the reasons behind my choice.  And if I do go ahead and update this time around, I'll try and set up a page for games that I've tried so everyone can have a better idea how the Macbook stack up to today's games.

Note:  I won't be talking just about Mac games.  I'll also be talking about running games via Bootcamp.

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