Sunday, February 1, 2009

Weekend Updates

Nothing major here but I just want to share my addiction to blogs and updates on all things Apple.

Typically, we get our regular updates.  I'm not going to mention sites I visit here and now because I'll inevitably leave some out and that's unfair.  Suffice to say, I go through a lot of them as I've got them in my Google Reader.

But come weekends, I start to sweat, shake, feeling something's not quite right.  I've provided some posts here but I ended up having a very busy weekend.

On Apple will start writing more weekend posts to carry everyone through until Monday.  Meanwhile, I've updated daily headlines on general mobile issues as well as Apple specific posts that I think you would also be interested in reading about. 

So, visit Mobile Digerati.  I've also started a section on mobile gaming that I know is going to be huge in 2009.

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