Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Can Now Google App To Find Link

CNet is reporting users can google for apps on their mobile devices, iPhone or an Android device, through mobile search to find the app they're looking for. It is a unique and pretty neat feature but CNet is a bit perplex as to why Google is indexing app search when users can simply go into the App Store or Marketplace to find the app through the built in search.

I can think of a few reasons. First, Google is about search. So it makes sense for Google to offer its services in this respect. Second, Google is trying continuing to improve mobile services as well as mobile presence. That means offering app search for Android as well as the iPhone.

There really is no redundancy on Google's part in offering search for the iPhone. If Google can do a better job for searching for the right app in the store's own search function, users, particularly iphone users, will rely more on Google.

However, another likely possibility is that Google, who we all know is prepping an webapp store for Chrome and Chrome OS, will be using what it learns from mobile app search and apply it to its endeavor.

Regardless, we will know in the near future if this will go beyond just searching for apps. Chrome OS is slated to be released in the second half of 2010.

More at CNet

-- Post From My iPad

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