Monday, June 14, 2010

iPhone 4 To Get VGA Out! Almost There

In the title of this post, what is almost there?  Well, I'll get into that a bit.

Right now, Appleinsider is reporting that the iPhone 4 will be getting VGA-out just like the bigger brother (or cousin).  And as the article aptly pointed out, there is no HDMI support.  Yet.  I'm sure Apple will get it to eventually once whatever it is that is holding things back for Apple are worked out.  I'm guessing it might have something to do with the power use.

Of course, I don't have a device that supports HDMI and even if I did, I don't have an output device (HDTV) to use it with.  So, I can't attest to how well such a device might work or how the battery life will end up being.

Having said that, this is a very incredible development.  This is where I get to the "amost there" part.  And for Mac campus, relax.  Take a deep breath.  Here goes.

The iOS4 and iDevices are progressing towards the natural mobile evolution of becoming computing units much like what the Mac Mini is.  And to go a step forward, they can totally become desktop replacements.

Imagine only having displays at work and home and all you need to do is to take your iDevice with you and use it wherever you happen to be working or playing.  This isn't just for TV or video.  The ability to display and extend the iDevice display is just as import for work.

With a VGA monitor and a Bluetooth keyboard and apps like Pages and Numbers (as well as Documents-To-Go), you literally become a true mobile warrior.

Of course, Mac folks will be happy to know that we are at least two or three iDevice refreshes away from the iDevice to become a threat to the Mac or a PC.  Many things still need to happen for this to work.

For one as I mentioned above, how is the battery life for just such a use?  Right now, you cannot charge the iDevice will simultaneously using it to project its screen into a screen for the iPhone 4.  Well, not easily.

Second, the ability to be able to print with the iDevice is still missing.

Third, the iOS4 just got the ability to multitask and I imagine it'll take iOS5 or IOS6 for the iDevices to be more desktop or laptop friendly.

Still, knowing the iPhone 4 can do VGA-out is still exciting.

More at Appleinsider.  There is more in the post about the iPhone's Retina Display with its 960x640 display allowing developers to display apps between iPhone 4 and the iPad without modification.  Please read if you're interested in those details.  I'm a mobile warrior, not a mobile developer. As long as the apps "just work", I don't need to know how it works.

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