Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Chinese Man Build Own iPad-Like Tablet That Runs On Windows

Remember a while back, a Chinese man built robots out of crap he found? Well, this dude is just as impressive.

He build his own tablet. It looks like even has an Apple logo but runs Windows. But then you wouldn't really be able to tell at first glance that it isn't an Apple product. It looks like a mini-iMac.

And after the initial launch, the UI even looks like OS X.

It's a long video. I suggest you skip to about the 16 minute mark of this 20 minute video.

Hey, if I'm Lenovo, HTC, Samsung, or even Apple, I'd hire this guy right away. I'm sure he could have this running just about any OS. Android, Windows, and even OS X.

Source: Yahoo News.

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