Sunday, July 24, 2011

Macbook Airs Selling Well, Apple Makes "Lighter" And SSD Standards For the Laptop Market

Apple discontinued the White Macbook for the general public.  And given that move compound that to the number of potential Macbook buyers who had been holding back in anticipating of new Macs, it looks like gates.

According to Macnn, some Apple store locations have sold out of both the 11" and 13" Air in hours.

I cannot help but think that perhaps the Air, which represents the new norm for the mainstream Macbook buy, is a sign that Apple is quickly moving to change the parameters of the PC market.

Consider this.  Not only is Apple ending the Macbook, it is also making SSD a standard as well.  And furthermore, Apple is making its laptop easier to carry and lighter on the back or shoulders.

And given the initial benchmarks coming in, it doesn't look like the Airs are lacking in processor power.

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