Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blogger Goes Off Deep End Because iPad mini Not Priced at $199 Like He Wanted

Source: Digital Reader.

First, let's get this out of the way. The iPad mini was a response to the sub-10" tablet market, not necessarily the 7" tablets alone. And second, the iPad mini has a 7.9" screen that has a full 35% more screen real estate than the 7" flavors.

So in his post, the DR writer uses Steve Jobs, as if he really gets Steve, said he would have priced the mini at $199 or close to it. He doesn't really say but given the rumors that were flying about, I guess he was one of those who believed it to be true.

However, once you get pass his profanity, and there was lots of it, you are reminded that Apple never competed on price. Sure, the iPad at $499 was incredible but it is a whole new category of mobile computing no one has seen or experienced before. It was a new market for Apple to do as it will including pricing it at $499.

So for Apple to price the level entry mini at $329 isn't that far fetched. Remember, Apple was unwilling to produce a $499 Mac that Steve Jobs didn't think was a piece of junk.

The mini is a full $130 more than competing $199 Nexus 7, Kindle Fire, or the Nook. However, they are not comparable devices. One is truly a premium device when taken in as a whole - bigger screen albeit lower resolution, more storage, better built and design, and, more than 250,000 tablet ready apps to run on it.

Not the same thing, DR bro...sure, go buy the $199 devices. There will always be folks who will go for the less expensive devices. Apple selling and pricing the mini at $329 isn't mean for you, DR dude.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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